Dry bone cassettes for Septorhinoplasty or FESS Dry Lab courses

Dry bone cassettes for Septorhinoplasty or FESS Dry Lab courses

Dry bones:

The dry bones used during the Septorhinoplasty and FESS Dry Lab courses at the West Midlands ENT Dry Lab are cassettes produced by Phacon.  One cassettes can be used for both septorhinoplasty and FESS work.  Once purchased, the trainee will be provided with the cassette at the first rhinology course they attend and then be stored safely for trainees between each course.  This will allow trainees to resume their work on the same cassette when they return for another course, until they wish to work on a new bone.  This allows trainees to drill at their own pace, to maximise use of each cassette and to choose when to repeat the same steps of a procedure on a new cassette.  Each new cassette can be purchased again via this link.


Queries can be directed to Mrs C. Lucy Dalton, Consultant ENT Surgeon and Course organiser lucy.dalton@uhb.nhs.uk or Miss Lisha McClelland, Consultant ENT Surgeon and Lead Faculty Lisha.McClelland@uhb.nhs.uk 

Dry Bone Cassettes -WM Trainee: £300
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